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Many of Hilbert’s classes are offered online. Students enrolled in online courses will be able to view class notes, listen to lectures, watch videos, and participate in discussions from a sound-enable computer that is hooked up to the internet. “Distance Learning” classes are very convenient for students with busy schedules, because the classes do not run during a particular time slot. Instead, class material is kept online (archived) for at least a week, and students can, therefore, work their way through the material at any hour of the day or night. Moreover, students can listen to the lectures in installments, and additionally students can replay all or parts of a lecture.

Finally, online students will be given an orientation to the online class environment, and technical support is available throughout the duration of the course.


Hilbert College is a member of the Acadeum College Consortium (, through which students can take online courses offered by other private institutions as if they were Hilbert College courses. These courses appear on Hilbert College transcripts and impact GPA just as if they were taken at Hilbert College. Tuition is billed at the regular rate and applicable financial aid can be applied. Students may take no more than six (6) credits per semester with the approval of their academic advisor per the online course eligibility policy. Students taking a course through Acadeum are subject to the host schools’ academic policies.

In the event that a course is needed in a specific semester, and it is not being offered through Hilbert, students will be able to utilize the course sharing partnership with Acadeum to take an online course through another institution. Students are allowed up to six (6) credits through Acadeum per semester and, consistent with registration for all courses, students must have approval from their academic advisor to enroll. Acadeum courses will be included in determination of full-time status.

In order to be eligible to take Acadeum courses, students must:

1. Be enrolled full-time at Hilbert College during the academic term in which they are seeking to take a course through Acadeum

2. Be in good academic standing. Students who are on academic probation may not be eligible to enroll in Acadeum offered courses. Exceptions may be granted with the approval of the student’s advisor, in consultation with the Academic Standing subcommittee of the Academic Standards Committee

3. Receive approval from the HEOP Director if they are students within the Opportunity Program

4. Be at the sophomore level (at least 30 credits earned) at the time of enrollment

5. Be financially cleared at Hilbert College in the academic term in which the student seeks to enroll in an Acadeum offered course

Exceptions can be approved through the departmental chair. Please see the Acadeum course sharing policy for more information on Acadeum courses.

For information on how to enroll in an Acadeum course, please contact the Office of Student Records.