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The Counseling Center at Hilbert College offers a confidential, safe environment for students experiencing conflict in their personal and/or academic lives. Using a holistic approach to counseling, the center offers educational encouragement for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Students are encouraged to seek assistance at the onset of a concern and if necessary referral services are available. Every concern to the student is treated with dignity, respect, and confidentiality. There is no charge for this service whether the student is living on or off campus.

The Counseling Center is dedicated to serving our population with tools that will enhance a healthy lifestyle and offer a meaningful personal and educational experience here at Hilbert. Please visit our Resource Room which offers a wide range of resource materials concerning mental health and wellness issues. We also have a Self-Help section in McGrath library. Group support systems are also available depending on the needs of our college community. Students are invited and encouraged to visit the center for all their counseling and wellness needs.