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FIN 310 Managerial Finance

A study of decision making by business to maximize the wealth of owners. Both short-and long term investment and financing decisions of firms will be studied. Emphasis will be on the use of time-value of money and risk concepts in financial decisions.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): ACC 206

FIN 320 Money and Banking

The role of money, financial institutions, monetary policy, and bank regulations will be studied, as will allocating and operating efficiency of financial markets.  Microeconomic theory will be used to investigate the role and efficiency of financial markets. Macroeconomic theory presented in introductory economics will be extended to further study federal reserve policy to promote stable interest rates, a stable price level, favorable growth, and favorable trade balances. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction between monetary theory and the study of banking.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): ACC 206 and Junior Status

FIN 410 Investments

A study of methods of purchasing assets in order to gain wealth in the form of reasonably predictable dividends, interest, rentals, and/or capital gains over the long term.  Time value of money and risk concepts developed in FIN 310 will be extended and refined.  The portfolio theories of Markowitz, Sharpe, Tobin, and others will be discussed.  Theory will be analyzed with reference to real market data.  Students will develop investment goals, strategies, and performance measurements in applied exercises.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): BUS 346