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MA 101 Survey of Mathematics

This course is designed to increase an understanding of basic mathematical principles and to develop quantitative literacy for application in the modern world.  Course topics will include elements of critical thinking, problem solving, number theory, algebra, functions, and statistics.  It will build foundational skills in order to better prepare a student to take further college courses in any of these areas, or it can be used as a stand-alone general education mathematics course.  Mathematical study skills, along with the use of technology such as calculators, computers, and spreadsheet software will also be emphasized, in order to maximize student success. This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): None

MA 135 Mathematical Applications

This course will expose students to mathematical applications that are happening in everyday life. They will get to see how math applies in modern real world situations, and be able to use these skills in related fields.  The four main topics to be covered will include Voting Theory & Social Choice, Graph Theory (with a focus on networks, circuits, and scheduling), Financial and Economic Problems, and a fourth topic to be determined via a class vote in the beginning of the course (possible topic areas can be chosen by the professor and voted on by the students; examples include The Math of Fitness & Sports, Math and The Arts, Math & the Digital Age, Forensic Mathematics, or any other areas of current relevance or interest). This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): None

MA 145 College Algebra and Pre-Calculus

This course provides students with the study of fundamental algebraic and pre-calculus concepts and techniques applicable to many fields of study, as well as further courses in mathematics.  An understanding of, as well as the ability to work with, the equations and graphs of various functions (linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and inverses) will also be emphasized. Students will utilize and enhance their problem solving and critical thinking skills throughout this course. This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Previous math course or High School GPA of 88 or higher

MA 145 College Algebra and Pre-Calculus with Lab

This course provides students with the study of fundamental algebraic and pre-calculus concepts and techniques applicable to many fields of study, as well as further courses in mathematics.  An understanding of, as well as the ability to work with, the equations and graphs of various functions (linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and inverses) will also be emphasized. Students will utilize and enhance their problem solving and critical thinking skills throughout this course. This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): High School GPA of 83 or higher

MA 200 Topics in Statistics

Topics covered within descriptive statistics include construction of frequency distributions, histograms, stem-leaf displays, calculating central tendencies, standard deviations, percentiles and quartiles, box-and whisker displays, location of outliers, linear regression and correlation analysis for bivariate data.  Probability topics include elementary probability (use of and/or, complements, conditional, mutually exclusive and independent), binomial probability (graphing distributions, finding probabilities and calculating means and standard deviations), normal distributions, Chebyshev's theorem and the empirical rule.  For inferential statistics, topics covered include hypothesis testing (both classical and p-value testing) and estimating confidence intervals for quantitative and qualitative data (both large and small groups), dependent samples and independent samples, chi-square tests and ANOVA. This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Previous math course or High School GPA of 88 or higher

MA 200 Topics in Statistics with Lab

Topics covered within descriptive statistics include construction of frequency distributions, histograms, stem-leaf displays, calculating central tendencies, standard deviations, percentiles and quartiles, box-and whisker displays, location of outliers, linear regression and correlation analysis for bivariate data.  Probability topics include elementary probability (use of and/or, complements, conditional, mutually exclusive and independent), binomial probability (graphing distributions, finding probabilities and calculating means and standard deviations), normal distributions, Chebyshev's theorem and the empirical rule.  For inferential statistics, topics covered include hypothesis testing (both classical and p-value testing) and estimating confidence intervals for quantitative and qualitative data (both large and small groups), dependent samples and independent samples, chi-square tests and ANOVA. This course fulfills the Mathematics General Education requirement. 
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): High School GPA of 83 or higher

MA 205 Survey of Calculus

This applications-oriented course presents the basic concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus. The topics include those covered in a traditional Calculus I and part of a Calculus II course. Discussion will focus on functions, limits, derivatives, rules of differentiation, the first and second derivative test and curve sketching, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration, and applications of integration. An appreciation of calculus as an important tool for solving real-life problems will be emphasized throughout.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MA 145

MA 235 Discrete Mathematics

This course will provide students with a working knowledge of algebraic algorithms and their use for problem solving in areas such as computer analysis, communication systems, information theory, and control systems in order to facilitate the analysis and synthesis of information. Topics include prepositional logic, modular arithmetic, basic cryptography, algorithms and pseudo codes of sorts and searches, Boolean algebra, set theory, binary (and other number systems such as octal and hexadecimal), Euclid’s Algorithm, graph theory, mathematical trees, and minimizing circuits.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Previous math course or High School GPA of 83 or higher